• Sustainability
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Operational Excellence


Sustainability is the cornerstone of our business development..

Ethics, stakeholder relations and environmental care are integral parts of our business strategy.

We engage in active collaboration with our employees, clients, suppliers, partners and the communities where we operate in order to ensure a long-term sustainable business model.

“Sustainability Milestones 2022” report

At PECOM we understand sustainability as the only way to develop our business and our relationship with our stakeholders. We believe it is possible to make business grow through an honest approach, while taking care of the economic, social and environmental impact of every single project we decide to undertake. This is reflected in our aim to transform the energy of the future, with focus on innovation and sustainability to improve human welfare.

We embrace our responsibility as leading players in the energy industry to build an increasingly cleaner and more efficient energy matrix and to add value to the communities in which we operate.

In the same spirit, we present our 2nd Sustainability Milestones report covering our activity throughout 2022. This document reflects our commitment to the environmental, social and governance agenda along with the progress achieved in this field.

We invite you to browse its pages here:


Click here to see 2021 Report


At Pecom, we get involved with the communities where we operate because we are committed to being part of the integral development of people and to the communities we relate to everyday.

Our actions are mainly connected to health and education, since we understand they are of the upmost importance for prosperity.

We have an impact on the areas of influence we are part of through diverse projects. In some cases, we work together with the Perez Companc Foundation (*) to address health and education campaigns and especially to strengthen local institutions.

(*) The Perez Companc Foundation is a family foundation established on April 6, 1959. Its mission is accompany the integral development of people and the strengthening of communities.


PECOM is committed to the challenge involved in the progressive decrease of the environmental impact of our operations. We understand technology is a key element to provide innovative and sustainable solutions to our customers and the community at large.
The use of elements such as predictive technology and automation processes allow for the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse effect gas emissions, as well as minimizing environmental incidents.
We are aware of our responsibility as leading players in the energy sector. Thus, we participate actively in the Sustainability Commission of IAPG, The Argentine Oil & Gas Institute, we are a member company of CEADS, The Argentine Business Council for Sustainable Development and we hold the ISO 14001 Standard.

Operational Excellence

Our main challenge and commitment encompass the safe development of our activities, while ensuring the health and care of all our employees, the protection of the environment, and the reliability and integrity of the assets with which we operate.

This commitment is evidenced on a daily basis through compliance with the Quality, Safety, Health and Environment Policy; business certification under ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 standards and API Q1 11-AX (for the manufacture of oil well mechanical depth pumps).